Star Stuff
A blurry sort of evening
In the way where the sky
Becomes the land
And all you were thinking
You forgot
And the water starts to fall
So you fall with it
Wash me down the street
Into the gutter
Drain pipes clogged
With rude peoples' shit
And wasted potential
Pat me dry until I sparkle
Like eyes surrounding you
And the moon is a crescent
for now
And the night is still blurry
My eyes tired
Kind of heavy
This lighter works
If all else fails
When the sky becomes translucent
and all the remnants of star stuff explode
Leaving us down here
And all I was thinking disappears
But I still see a sparkle
Still see the horizon
Never gone
Never forgotten
This blurry sort of evening
Sibel Atalay is a writer based in Wellington, New Zealand. Their writing captures the art of desperately trying to find yourself amidst crowds and cityscape realities.