This is Femininity as Taste Test
I am thankless, I am feral
I am banned from heaven and the Circle K
I quoted Family Guy at the open mic
I prayed for the death of Scrappy Doo
I manifested heatwave and wasp nest
I am the Salt Girl
born to the Canker Sore Woman,
as visual shorthand for Entrapment,
the ensuing resentment, my rabies
and all 27 shots to the stomach
visual shorthand for rebellion
I am running through the bramble now
I am in the bowels of your repulsion
curdling milk like fever dream,
the morbird girl freak show
on the school bus telling kids stories like:
some animals eat their young
some neglected children become god
some mothers never come home
and this is not the worst that can happen
Daliah Angelique is a writer and queer horror hound living in Olympia, WA with her wife and elderly chihuahua. She is the author of the chapbook Spider Rodeo (Bottlecap Press, 2022). You can find more of her work at